July 26, 2022

Accredited Employer Work Visa | FAQ's

Trina Jones & WorkingIn

We are thrilled to have a formal partnership with WorkingIn who work closely with Immigration New Zealand, with their team of Licensed Immigration Advisers to understand the complex visa process and what’s involved with moving to New Zealand.

We are thrilled to have a formal partnership with WorkingIn who work closely with Immigration New Zealand, with their team of Licensed Immigration Advisers to understand the complex visa process and what’s involved with moving to New Zealand.

We welcome the much anticipated border reopening coinciding with the implementation of the Immigration change affecting employers keen to hire migrant workers. We've partnered with WorkingIn to answer you most common questions relating to the recent changes to Immigration NZ and hiring migrants generally.

What's changing?

The Accredited Employer Work Visa (AEWV) is a new temporary work visa that replaces the Essential Skills Work Visa and Talent (Accredited Employer) Work Visa,which launched 4 July 2022. Employers who want to hire migrants on an AEWV will need to be accredited and submit a job check for relevant roles before they can hire a migrant. Becoming an accredited employer is the first step in the 3check process of the new AEWV.  You only need to become accredited if you want to hire a migrant worker:

Accredited Employer Work Visa (AEWV) applications - opened 23 May 2022

Employer JobCheck - opened 20 June 2022

Migrant Check - opened 4 July 2022


How does the accreditation work?


Accreditation,once approved, will be subject to renewal annually. Important to note, employers must meet ongoing obligations under the accreditation and any breach can result in the accreditation being revoked or the renewal declined.


When should apply and what are the processing times?


If you are wanting to access migrant workers quickly then best to get your application underway, however if you are considering this later in the year, apply closer to the time so you hold your accreditation for 12 months from that point.


Information below courtesy of Immigration NZ (approximate turnaround):


Standard & high-volume accreditation  - 10 working days - Estimated processing time frame

Job check -10 working days - Estimated processing timeframe

Accredited Employer Work Visa - 20 working days - Estimated processing time frame

Why would accreditation be beneficial for my business?


In a talent short market, and with no end in sight, it provides you with access to abroader talent pool, giving you more choice. NZ has always been attractive to those looking to migrate to NZ. Prior to covid we had the largest number of visa holders per capita in the OECD.


How can WorkingIn help?


They can assist employers with the Accreditation and Job Check applications      

Their proven process has been designed to assist candidates in all aspects of the move,including managing the visa process and full relocation support


Does AEWV impact candidates who hold a 'working holiday' visa?


In short no,for visa free countries the working holiday visa will exist as it has done before. You don't need to be accredited to hire those who hold an open work visa. However, these visa holders must meet the below requirements:


Applicants must be aged 18 - 30

Not travelling with children

Primary purpose is to holiday. Work / study is secondary

Limited short-term work rights. Can not accept permanent jobs.  

If you are offered a permanent job, you must then apply for a work visa to be able to undertake that role  


If you're an employer wanting to better understand the process involved or a candidate looking to obtain work-rights in NZ and keen to ascertain which visa is right for you, please reach out here, so we can put you in touch with our friends at WorkingIn. If you are interested in a webinar on the topic, please let us knowhere.

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