August 11, 2021

Balancing Work and Home Life

Amanda Law

A first hand account of the challenges of working from home, and how Amanda has learnt to manage the intertwined world of work and home.

Balancing work and home life when the two aren't mutually exclusive anymore

A first hand account of the challenges of working from home, and how Amanda has learnt to manage the intertwined world of work and home.

Remote working, or working from home is not new, it was around before Covid. However, Covid has normalised this across the board so, where applicable, it is now available fairly readily and embraced.

I love working from home, it's fantastic and I like that I can work my hours around my life! I work 3 days from home but I've noticed recently that the work and personal lines have blurred. It's easy to slip into bad habits around checking emails late and being too available on the phone outside of 'work hours'. But when your 'work hours' aren't set and it's just about getting the job done that's tricky.

So here are some of my thoughts around how to maintain work success, kick some goals and yet maintain great mental health and vitality at the same time.

Let’s be honest, none of us are really working a 40 hour week nowadays. Recruitment is not a 9-5 that’s for sure. But this is about knowing your limits. If you work flexi or glide time across the day just make sure you aren't working more hours than you can so know your boundaries to avoid burnout.

When the work day is over switch off. This is hard to do when you live and work in the same space and maybe use the same devices for work and personal but do things like ‘do not disturb’ settings on your phone so only your loved ones get through and log out of work apps.

Switching off isn't just physical it's changing gear into YOU - personal. As we don't have the commute to wind down anymore and let work mode slip away, try going for a walk after work. Get out with the dog/kids/friend or whatever and switch your mindset to personal.

Exercise: we all know exercise makes us feel great, I love yoga and I'm always a different person getting OFF my mat at the end of the class to the one I was getting onto it! Find ways to move your body that bring you joy and peace in order to detox any stresses of the day.

Boundaries: Set boundaries with clients and customers and educate them on when you are contactable. On this note – be respectful of when you are calling someone as when you call us at 8:30pm at night to ask about an advert we have up you aren’t going to get the best response from us – we have families and a life too!

Work space at home

If it isn't possible to have an office and walk out and close the door at the end of your work day and like me you work in your living room or kitchen then make sure to form some sort of a symbolic "end of day ritual". Mine is that I close my laptop down, exercise and then come back and tidy up. So when I sit down in the evening to read or watch television I'm "at home". If you are logged out of apps etc then resist the temptation to check emails.

Take regular breaks

Get away from your screen, and get up and get moving. I do a mix of (as I'm not really into routine) of sunrise walks/gym before work, lunch time walks/gym and then after work - always some enjoyable movement such as yoga or a leisure walk. But that's my way to destress and keep myself sane. Yours might be playing with the dog, kids, calling a friend, having a lunchtime nap, cooking, cleaning, whatever makes you feel good, gives you joy and gives your brain a break from the pace and work thoughts.

Calling colleagues and keeping connected

When you have an issue don't forget if you were in the office you'd chat to your boss or colleague. Make sure you are still doing that with work problems or queries. Just because you are at home doesn't mean you are alone. So don’t sit there and stew and stress make sure you reach out! Calling someone feels more intrusive than just turning around for a chat but you have to make more of an effort to connect verbally and avoid the temptation to hid behind email for every interaction. Find at least a couple of reasons to talk to a colleague daily.

Hobbies interests and commitments

It's great to have a few of these non-negotiables spread through the week so you have to get away for a certain time and do something that you are committed to. This is great two fold... one it's enhancing your personal life and happiness and two you have to be disciplined with finishing work. If you can, set your work schedule around a hobby (and book it into your calendar), not the other way around, or else it’ll never happen.

If you have had a particularly long day try and balance that out the next day(s) by working a shorter day where you can.

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